Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The Lush Bluewater store V.I.P Bloggers Opening party

Hiya Lovelies!

Halloween is in a few weeks, Are you doing anything spooky for it?

On the 3rd of October, Lush Bluewater held an opening party for bloggers to come and see the new design of the store and take a peek at their new Christmas range before they opened up to the public on the 4th.

I attended another one of their blogger events that they held in August before the re-design, if you missed that post, you can catch up here

It was such a lovely sunny afternoon, I got the train from London Bridge straight there, it wasn't as packed as I thought it was going to be considering it was a friday.

I was a little bit early!

 As I walked into the store it looked great, the champagne was fabulous!

The store always smells super yummy and the staff were friendly and helpful as always, they also told us stories behind some of their products which was nice to hear.

I got to make my own mini comforter bath bomb which smells gorgeous, all their bath bombs smell amazing. By the time I got home it was a bit squashed as it takes 24 hours to set. Oops!

They also had a range of make-up which i adored!  I tried the passionate lip stain, it had a gorgeous vibrant pink colour and it felt super soft.

Here are some of the new products they have to offer.

Drummers Drumming Reusable Bubble Bar

I love this! It creates so many bubbles and you can use it over and over again. A member of the Lush team showed us how the bubble bar works.

Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar

Snow Angel Bath Melt

Thank you to the Lush team who held up the products while I took pictures of them!

Dashing Santa bath bomb 

They also have a fantastic range of christmas box gifts.

The Christmas Candy Box was my favourite. So pretty!

What will you be getting from Lush for christmas?



  1. I plan to go back and grab all the Christmas/Halloween bits I didn't get that night, I'm in love with northern lights! I recognized you from reading your LUSH event post but was to shy to say hey in case I creeped you out x

    1. Me too, I will definitely be making another visit. Bless you! you should of said hi, we can have a chat next time! :)

  2. I loooooove Lush. I have one about 45 minutes from me in the Mall of America and sometimes it's fun to just go in there and smell the yumminess.

  3. Wow, what an awesome event. I don't think we have a Lush around here in Boston, but we need one!!

  4. Wow! I need to find out if there is a Lush near me. I can just imagine the wonderful smells as you walk into the store!

  5. Looks awesome store. I don't think we have Lush store in our country.

  6. I love LUSH and can spend hours and a lot of money there. The staff is always friendly too! :)

  7. Nice event to attend for a sneak peek. I agree Lush always smells great inside, love checking out their stuff.

  8. I want it all. If only I can. LOL. Maybe I'll give the hubs a hint. :)

  9. I love LUSH soooo much but sadly the closest LUSH store to me is like 40 minutes :( I could seriously spend hours in there touching and smelling everything haha

  10. Ahhhh absolutely love Lush!!!! Wish we had a store close by!!!

  11. they just opened one up by us, and its always packed.. we like going in there and trying new things!

  12. What a fun event! I would love to go and be served champagne.

  13. I bought a bath bomb from Lush a couple weeks ago. Every time i use it I'm in heaven. I love this store so much and the event looked like so much fun!!!

  14. Wow, that store looks amazing! Thanks for sharing the special VIP preview!

  15. Those are great spends, Sophie! Lush won one vote from me. I can get lost shopping especially as the holiday awaits.

  16. There are so many cool things there! I'm pretty sure I could get all my shopping done there!

  17. They have a refreshing design of their new store. The lush products also has a great look.

  18. Those LUSH products are so pretty. Can't wait to check them out.

  19. I wish we had a LUSH store near me, I think I would spend A LOT of money there. It looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing!

  20. I've never tried Lush products, but can I just say they look amazing and I need to find a Lush store asap

  21. Looks like a fun event. That pumpkin bubbly bar looks good.

  22. I have never heard of LUSH. Thank you for bringing it my awareness, it looks wonderful.

  23. Ahh I love LUSH! I just took a LUSH bath today! :)

  24. It looks like an amazing time indeed as well as a wonderful store. I wish we had a store around here. Thanks for sharing.

  25. I'm a Lush addict. Just love their products. Love the bath bombs.

  26. Pretty neat you got a sneak peek! I wonder if they'll open one up here some day?

  27. I love Lush! It is one of my favourite stores. I love the scent as soon as you walk into the store.

  28. Definitely on my Christmas list. The closest store is two hours away!

  29. I've never been to a Lush. It looks amazing.

  30. I LOVE the sound of this store. Especially the beautiful gift boxes.

  31. I love when stores invite bloggers! All of those bath bombs are super cute!

  32. What a great event. I'm not sure we have a Lush cosmetics here in San Antonio but I will check. I would love to support them.

  33. Wow, what a cool event! I absolutely love Lush!

  34. I love, love, LOVE Lush....except they use a lot of ingredients that I'm not fond of :(
    I can't wait until they come out with an entirely organic section!!

  35. I love lush! They are so fun to go to and just try things out and look around!
